Sunday, October 3, 2010

One relationship that will always last.

Ive been seeing a lot of stuff lately on facebook lately about how we can't believe that we have messed up and we think all is lost. I can really relate to this.... sometimes I feel that I say one thing, or do another and peace just will just never be achieved. I can see why we get so upset. In today's society relationships are what make or break, and if you lose them it seems as if our balance of friendships with one another just goes way out of order.

I feel though that I've left one relationship unchecked, and that I have been worrying about other relationships that just don't compare to this one. My relationship with Jesus Christ should be the most important thing in my entire life, yet I feel that we often worry about the wrong thing.

If we strengthen our relationship with Jesus Christ we will be on top of the world. We can do anything, we can live for a much better purpose and not only will we have developed a relationship witht the most amazing and important person in this world, but relationships will be healed and others will be formed.

God Bless,

Jeremy Shafer

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