Sunday, September 19, 2010

Christianity in America

First of all I would just like to say that it is very strange how God leads us to do things after it seems we may never come back to doing them.

What inspired me to writing this post had occured last wednesday at my church. I have been taking a class call "Radical" based on the book by David Platt. Now before beginning the lesson the teacher had set out maps showing the current global mission of Christianity. Now the thing that caught my attention was indicated by the colors green and red. Green represented those who have heard the good news of Jesus Christ, and red represented those who hadn't. (Rought estimate for each case) Now as expected the U.S. was pouring with Green with limited amounts of red, orange or yellow. (Orange and yellow representing small amounts of people who have heard about Chirst) Now I looked towards the country of India a country where Hinduism is the main religion and where Poverty is the hardest, this country had a small percentage of Christians, but I began to think maybe this country has more genuine faith than America.

Don't get me wrong we are very blessed in the states to have very nice churches and a very strong Christian community. But I'am afraid that we as a country have drifted into the "What Next?" attitude. We are so worried about all the stuff we have, that we have forgotten who our main focus should be, Jesus!!! I mean do u think Christ said "I am the Alpha, the Omega, the beginning and the end" because he was wanted to focus on something other than him, No!

Now im not saying that if you have a lot of stuff that you are a bad person, I am simply saying that we need to examine ourselves and find out where we stand in our Faith towards God. We should be thanking God for all the blessing that we have, and reaching out to those who need it because frankly I believe that most Americans can live on half their salary, maybe even less than that.

It doesn't come as a surprise to me that the Faith of people in third world countries is so strong. It is because these people rely on God alone that they are able to develop a close intimate relationship with Him. If we as Americans just simply devote less time to ourselves and more towards others, imitating the humility that of Christ we will be able to develop a close intimate with God as well.

My challenge for everyone reading this isn't to drop everything you have and live in the wilderness, or put one hundred bucks into the offering plate. My challenge for everyone reading this is to see during the week what you can do for others that can demonstrate the Love of God and what he has to offer them. If we as a community of Believers work side by side humbling ourselves before God, and not worry about what modern day corporate America has to offer I am certain that we can do great things around the world.

Please feel free to send me any prayer requests to my facebook page or to my email

"Whoever so exalts himselfs will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted" Luke 14:11

God Bless, Jeremy

1 comment:

  1. Jeremy, having none you since 6th grade, I can really see Christ shining out of you through every pore. Loved reading your heart. Don't stop.
